
> so, who are you?

Hi, my name is Azabi (formerly Blu). You might find me in places with the username azabiphetamine and, if I haven't updated it yet, bluthemeth (old username).

I do stuff, I think. Someone fact check me on this one!

Things that I do

> why do you exist?

Things that I like doing include the following statements:

I am working on a few projects, most of which are private.

I also have a blog now! ...for some reason.

Some people I quite both look up to and enjoy listening to include Frums, YonKaGor, and jan Misali (that "j" is pronounced like a "y", to people who do not speak German, Dutch, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Albanian, Polish, Czech, Serbo-Croatian, Slovak, Slovenian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Luxembourgish*, Afrikaans, Basque**, Cantonese*, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, Greenlandic, Hungarian, or Italian)

can you tell i like linguistics yet. i literally https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/​J#Use_in_writing_systems for that single joke that wont be funny to anyone

Stuff that might be important, possibly

> [literally any personal question]

I don't usually make public a bunch of information about me just because I like keeping privacy. if you wanna ask me any non personal question, feel free to ask me in like dms or something. if you wanna ask me any personal question, ask me anyway, and i may or may not respond

> where can i contact you?

If you want to contact me you could do so on Discord (@azabiphetamine) and that's practically the only chatting platform I'm on really. I'm open to mostly anything and I'll let you know about stuff that I do or don't like, and I can answer questions too ig

Really, AMA lmao

Other links

> like uh, yeah, its other shit